Friday, August 25, 2006

The Unreality Onion

What if the force of corruption had a plan to separate us as far as possible from the reality?
What if the way to do that was to get us to buy into other realities?

Heres the layers: The first onion layer is the get us into a system that is off kilter. This is the fish in water syndrome. You don't see the system you are born into.

Then take this layer and wrap another layer around it. This is the layer we are building with technology. We go further and further from the truth of what our lives are supposed to be.

Now wrap another layer around that. that is the layer of a world within the technology. We can now get engrossed in worlds that don't exist. Spend hours, days months of our lives living and interacting in these worlds. Many people do it. It's become an epidemic but it can't be seen for what it is - There is water within the water - and if the fish can't see the water how can he see the water within the water?


Blogger Paul88 said...

This guy I new, said what if life was like an onion and by peeling off the layers you could get back to what was original the true you.
In contemplating this he said he came to the conclusion there was nothing. In a quite depressing way! (Last layer reveals nothing)
Will, this just came back to me while reading your blog.
I remember going back to him and telling him after having the Epiphany 88 that nothing is actually. the beginning.
You have the potential to be everything or the best onion in the world!
If the fates, be with you.

10:19 AM  

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