Sex and the meaning of life - a dissonance in two parts
The Babes of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror
The Search for the meaning of life
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At the top of this post I have two links. Did you notice them? Did you click on one? Did you consider clicking on one of them?
I have a lot of websites, several blogs on different subjects and a lot of material online.
One of the sites I have is called "The babes of science fiction, fantasy & horror. Another site I have is all about the meaning of life. (these are the two links at the top of this post)
Here is the thing about these two sites: I have spent a lot of time working on the meaning of life site and I have done a lot of work pushing it. I threw together the site about babes and I don't advertise it in anyway except a couple of links.
The babe website easily gets 100 times more traffic than the meaning of life site.
Why is this? Now, let me first say that there is nothing wrong with sex, and nothing wrong with babes or movies or any such thing. But, I do believe that there is nothing more important that trying to understand this mystery we are all living. It should be our top priority. Why are we here? what are we meant to do/be?
Yet, nobody seems to care.
The Search for the meaning of life
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At the top of this post I have two links. Did you notice them? Did you click on one? Did you consider clicking on one of them?
I have a lot of websites, several blogs on different subjects and a lot of material online.
One of the sites I have is called "The babes of science fiction, fantasy & horror. Another site I have is all about the meaning of life. (these are the two links at the top of this post)
Here is the thing about these two sites: I have spent a lot of time working on the meaning of life site and I have done a lot of work pushing it. I threw together the site about babes and I don't advertise it in anyway except a couple of links.
The babe website easily gets 100 times more traffic than the meaning of life site.
Why is this? Now, let me first say that there is nothing wrong with sex, and nothing wrong with babes or movies or any such thing. But, I do believe that there is nothing more important that trying to understand this mystery we are all living. It should be our top priority. Why are we here? what are we meant to do/be?
Yet, nobody seems to care.